
18 Sep 2024

Tournoi golf - Groupe Prestige

Royal Bromont

For a small and medium size enterprise (SME) in the food transformation sector, supplies constitute an important cost component in the finished product. The successive waves of mergers, acquisitions, downsizing or transfers of activities in our industry (and other sectors as well) make it increasingly difficult for SMEs to have direct access to suppliers. What’s more, the major impact of the commodities market has greatly complicated the purchasing process.

These factors have led the members of Groupe Prestige to regroup and work together to maximize their purchasing power. Programs that have been developed and structured seriously and with transparency have been implemented for each of the items being negotiated. Groupe Prestige has made sure to procure the tools required to stay competitive and take advantage of the best negotiating conditions for its purchase value.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating!

The steady, controlled growth of our membership and business development is testimony to Groupe Prestige’s raison d’être.

  • A company where each member can become a shareholder; a company with a board of directors made up of seven members appointed at the annual general meeting


  • Eight committees overlooking the operating methods of the group purchasing programs


  • A monthly update to the members addressing information relevant to the various programs


  • The Prestige Newsletter to monitor the evolution of prices and fundamentals on the commodities market; a tool to help you plan your purchases


  • Volume discount programs with several suppliers for various products and services


  • A group where membership acceptance takes into account the ethics and professionalism of the businesses applying for membership


  • A network of contacts that includes presidents, operations managers, supply managers, and other experts, which provide a variety of approaches and expertise useful to a skillful manager


  • Three annual member meetings to update various issues and purchasing reports, attend supplier presentations, get an overview of the commodities market, and take part in other significant activities


  • A permanent office with an executive director and two administrative assistants overseeing the group’s day-to-day operations and business development, based on the orientations provided by the board.


  • An annual general meeting scheduled during a weekend in a relaxed atmosphere. On the agenda: the annual general meeting, the annual rebate returns, a conference, the suppliers’ cocktail, and a gourmet dinner followed by dancing
See Group Purchase and Volume Discount