
Groupe Prestige is a duly incorporated legal entity regrouping small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) of the food transformation section operating in the bakery, pastry, confectionery and other related sectors. Groupe Prestige offers group purchase programs, volume discount programs and consulting services. Year-end rebates are redistributed annually to our members who then collect the fruit of their vision. If you are the president, operations manager or buyer of an SME operating in our industry, take a close look at our website. You will like what you see.

Excerpts from the results of a member survey on the services offered by Groupe Prestige

May 2014
“Very well done, this information is essential for me”
“Advantageous! We can have a picture of the commodities market (the fundamentals)”
“Very interesting and constructive, a big help for the business”
“Beneficial for my business”
“Interesting, as it provides information that I don’t have time to research”

Becoming a Member

Why should you join our purchasing group? Because our group has been proving its worth for more than ten years. Because our purchasing power has been experiencing steady growth. Because our savings are real. We can prove it.

Become Member

  • 800 000
  • 1 600 000
  • 2 400 000
  • 3 200 000
  • 4 000 000
  • 4 800 000


Group Purchase and Volume Discount

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